Fishtail 446 – August 2017
TV Centre had a stand at the Woodcote Steam Rally on the weekend of 8/9 the with ten bikes on display on Saturday. The stand attracted a lot of interest and Mick Kowalczuk’s Thruxton won the White Horse Cup for best bike at the rally. Well done Mick.
Our Show Off Your Bike Day on 15 th July started with a wet morning and this deterred some people from attending. We had thirty two bikes turn up and register for the show which was good considering the weather. The usual mixture of Velocettes and other interesting bikes were on display including Steve Boakes V twin MAC which attracted a lot interest. The winners of the awards were:
- Best Rigid Velocette Norman Bailie 1939 KSS
- Best Spring Frame Velocette Mick Kowalczuk 1965 Thruxton
- Best Pre 1945 Non-Velocette Jon Dunsdon 1937 Royal Enfield S2 250
- Best Post 1945 Non-Velocette Adrian Deasy 1954 Triumph 6T
- Best Post 1972 Classic Chris Winsby 1975 Norton Commando
- Arthur Lavington Trophy (Best Velo) Dave Sawford 1960 Venom Clubman
- Ben Mallinson Cup (Best Cammy Velo) Norman Bailie 1939 KSS
- Ben Harris Trophy (Technical Excellence) Steve Boakes Vee Twin MAC
- Cherry Tree Shield (Most desirable bike) Steve Boakes Vee Twin MAC
Despite the wet morning we had a good day and many thanks to everybody involved in organising the event and the marshals, judges and staff of the Cherry Tree who provided refreshments throughout the day.
Sunday 30 th July saw nine TV Centre members joined up with the South Hants Centre for the Up the Downs Run. This is a great run across the Downs with a stop at the Calley Arms at Hodson where we had a good Sunday lunch. The “drop off” system worked very well and we all arrived at the Calley Arms together. Many thanks to South Hants for organising a great day out.
Sunday 6 th August saw six of us set out for the Sammy Miller Museum autojumble. Norman’s route avoiding Romsey and Lyndhurst worked very well. The weather was just about perfect for a long run and several of us found some useful bits at the autojumble. Another good day.
Check out the website for our next runs – we still have quite a few more before winter arrives.