Fishtail 454 – August 2018
The run to the Flower Pot at Cheriton was enjoyed by eight Centre members. The start had to be moved from Henley to Twyford due to the regatta and road works. About forty motorcycles were at the lunch stop which added another element of interest. Many thanks to Chris Webber for arranging and leading the run.
The next event was the Woodcote Steam Rally. The weather was very hot and unfortunately the number of visitors and exhibitors was down on previous years probably due the World Cup and Wimbledon finals. Unfortunately two events had to be cancelled; the British Bike Night was cancelled by the organisers and our participation in the Up the Downs run. The weather forecast was so bad for the day of the Up the Downs run we decided not to go as a group from the Centre. Hopefully the weather will be better next year as we particularly enjoy this run. Club nights at the Cherry Tree continue to be well supported with the good weather bringing out a variety of motorcycles.