Fishtail 458 – January 2019
The only event since the last Fishtail report was our annual AGM on January 11th. It was well attended by 26 members. Dennis and I gave a review of the last year and Keith presented his Treasurer’s report. Norman lead the review of events for the coming year and it looks like we have a lots of interesting runs planned for this year along with our stands at the Southern Classic Bike Show, Popham Megameet and Kop Hill Hill Climb. Additional runs will be added during the year so watch out for updates on our website and in Fishtail. For any members not on my contacts list and would like details of runs sent to you by email please get in touch with me on the address above. The 2018 committee were all re-elected again for the coming year.
During the AGM Dennis presented 2 awards to centre members for their enthusiastic support of the Thames Valley Centre over the last year:
The Hardman Cup to Roy Springate
The Ted Portsmouth Cup to Steve Clark
We are trialling winter midweek lunchtime meetings on the Wednesday of the week between our regular Tuesday night meetings to see how much support there is for daytime meetings. Again details on the website or Fishtail. Looking forward to warmer days, lighter nights and more runs on the bikes.